
pmwiki is a 2 step install. It's on the official pmwiki page, there's not that much to do.

To change the password prompt page, edit Site.AuthForm.

To create a password hash for, run this command:

$ php-7.4  
<?php echo password_hash("PASSWORD", PASSWORD_BCRYPT); ?>

Replace PASSWORD with your real password.

Clean url's

If you want clean url's you need to do the following (written by Miniontoby)

Change your httpd.conf block for your wiki so it looks like:

server "" {
	listen on * port 80
	location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
		root "/acme"
		request strip 2
        location "*.php" {
                fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
		root "/htdocs/"
	directory {
		index "index.php"
        location match "/pub/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/pub/%1"
        location match "/cookbook/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/cookbook/%1"
        location match "/uploads/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/uploads/%1"
        location match "/local/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/local/%1"
        location match "/favicon.(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/favicon.%1"
        location match "/(.*)/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/pmwiki.php?n=%1.%2?$QUERY_STRING"
        location match "/(.*)" {
                request rewrite "/pmwiki.php?n=%1?$QUERY_STRING"
        connection max request body 104857600

and edit your /var/www/htdocs/pmwiki/local/config.php:

$EnablePathInfo = 1; //for enabling automatic use
$ScriptUrl = ''; //for the homepage
$PubDirUrl = ''; //for the pub dir
$UploadDir = "/var/www/htdocs/pmwiki/uploads"; //for the upload dir (plz make it firstly if not exist)
$UploadUrlFmt = ""; //for upload dir on the wiki


When mirroring, make sure to delete:
