If you want the NickServ, ChanServ and all other *Serv you need to install anope
To do so you need to firstly install the required packages:
doas pkg_add wget cmake
Then download Anope,
Do that by executing the following commands:
wget tar zxf 2.0.9.tar.gz cd anope-2.0.9
This will download the newest version of anope, untar it and it will cd into the dir.
Then what you want to do is the following:
and at every question you can press enter, its not recommended to edit any value
Then you need to do the following to build it:
make make install
Then the source is builded and you can go ahead edit the conf,
cd ~/services/conf cp example.conf services.conf nano services.conf
edit at the services.conf the following things:
- At
name = ""
you need to set the 'value =' (below the "name =" line)
- At uplink block you need to change it to something like this:
uplink { host = "<YOURVPSNAME>" ssl = no port = 6667 password = "<THINK OF THIS BUT PLZ SAVE IT FOR NOW, YOU NEED IT LATER>" }
- and edit the 'serverinfo' block.
Now go to your ngircd conf and if its right then
Search for the [Server] block (with a lots of comments) and edit the following things:
- Name = services.<YOURVPSNAME>
- MyPassword and PeerPassword to the password at the uplink block in services.conf
then restart (or reload) your ngircd
then do the following to start the services:
cd ~/services/bin ./anoperc start
if './anoperc start' fails, plz relook the conf or if you dont get out of the error, you can contact Miniontoby (AKA MiniontobyPI) on the ircnow network
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