
IRCNow Lemon is part of the IRCNow network, our team at IRCNow wants to make IRC better today without changing the IRC protocol. We want to build a thriving free network with quality software. In support of IRCNow goal as an experiment to create a network run by users for the benefit of users. It is an experiment to create a truly open and free network.

Come and learn how services work and have fun with us, guided in real time, effectively!

Available services at IRCNow Lemon:

IRCNow Lemon IRC chat server, a collaborative text chat platform with group chats in your topic of interest. Available on Windows, Mac, Linux, OpenBSD, Android, iOS. Access our chat server at irc.lemon.ircnow.org (type this in your favorite IRC client to connect to us). Our chat server is located at New York,USA.

IRCNow Lemon IRC bouncer is an application that keeps you connected to IRC. Good for unstable or mobile connections, or to access the live chat from multiple devices. This can be connected to an unlimited number of networks. Our team may help you with the easy sign up and configuration in your favourite chat client that make available on Windows, Mac, Linux, OpenBSD, Android, iOS. Access details provided upon successful registration. Remember that our bouncer service is totally free!

Provided you agree to the terms of services (IRCNow), you may request any of our services at channel #IRCnow once you are connected to our servers. Currently we support more than 15 famous IRC networks and more to come. If your favourite network is not supported, kindly contact us at #IRCNow channel, and ask for your favourite network to be added. Come and say hi to our friendly staff members as we are ready to assist. Please name the service which you are interested in, and a staff member or a volunteer will assist you shortly. Our services is well maintained and IRCNow is a federation that unites together self-governing servers to provide a common network for the free and open source software community.We welcome your feedback. It will be used to innovate and improve our services, develop new features, improve documentations, and make them easier to use and also more useful by making IRC great again!

Want to donate?

We appreciate your willingness to support us. You can donate to Lemon here. All donations will help us in upgrading the server and spending on resources.

Donate thru Crypto Wallet

       »» Bitcoin: 1JaY2v7RnfnDqMTTF6iqk1KcsRsFRr1Uoh
       »» Etherium: 0x7303a746e98626e7c82b133625eca7a4aff8fb8b

Languages we speak include English, Bahasa Melayu,. Our team consist of volunteer System Administrators, who maintain the IRCNow Lemon services in their free time. They are nix, dennis, Quo-fan, Oz and Chewbakka85. Our Logo:

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